Ready To Quit Your Job?

Is now the right time for you to buy a business?

Use your 401k tax deferred plan to buy a business, learn more.

When does it make good sense to quit your job and use your retirement plan fund to buy a business?

This is a question that many employees ask themselves on a regular basis.

Here are some of the signs that it is time!
  1. You are bored with what you are doing as there is no challenge in your work.
  2. Your income is not at the amount you think that it should be.
  3. Your employer is family owned so you can’t go too high up the ladder.
  4. You are tired of relocating and want to stabilize you and your family.
  5. You dread Monday mornings.

These are just some of the reasons to consider “retiring” and taking your 401K (tax free and penalty free) and using the money to buy an existing business.

First Choice Business Brokers receives many calls from people possibly in your position, however what does not surprise us is that the business they are considering purchasing is not related to their current work position.

Many times a person wants a business doing something that they feel they will enjoy and give them the lifestyle they desire.

Are you ready for the challenge?

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