To Sell Or Not To Sell, That Is The Question?

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Business owners are faced with a dilemma of whether they should sell and if so when is a good time?

Should business owners sell when their business is booming, when the business is declining or when they are tired and burned out?

After 24 years of selling businesses we can definitely state that the best time to sell is when the business is on an upward trend.  This is the time that buyers are willing to pay the highest price. Unfortunately many business owners wait until their business is declining when they decide enough is enough and want to put their business up for sale. Buyers will not usually pay top dollar if they see the business is declining over a period of time. Sellers want to sell on potential however buyers will only pay for what they can see for income and the income trend at the time the business is available.

Your First Choice Business Broker can offer you the experiences of our 24 years of selling businesses.  When the time comes to consider selling we’ll be here for you.  In the meantime, keep your business running strong so the “trend” of your business in the eyes of a buyer is stable or on an upward trend. During the sale process we’ll take care of the incoming buyers and you take care of your business so you can capture the highest price for your hard earned efforts.

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